SH. Red Pepper warned you that Make Poverty History organisers wanted only white T-shirts on their march around Edinburgh's city centre and they were true to their word. Around 400 protesters, deliberately wearing black in opposition to the Make Poverty History whitewash on the G8's destructive global agenda, were prevented from joining the main 'welcome walk for the G8' by a huge battalion of police. The protesters were detained for around three hours and stopped and searched under Section 60. Several tried to break through police lines only to be beaten back. As protesters finally allowed those detained to disperse, they began following members of the Wombles.
However, the organisers did not have it all their own way. Despite the much-hyped
appearance of Gordon Brown, the chancellor never showed up on the 'dignitaries' march'. And just before the 225,000-strong popular march was about to start, political satire group CRAP society (Capitalism Represents Acceptable Policy) hijacked the front of the demonstration with placards like 'Bomb Iran Next', 'Bring Back the Slave Trade', 'Make Money Not Love' and other such gems. While the corporate media went into a mass feeding frenzy, the Make Poverty History faithful were not amused. One man angrily snatched placards from the pranksters while others shouted 'shame'. Keep watchin' Indymedia UK.