Below, an article published by the BBC on the reaction in Venezuela over a forthcoming U.S. company produced "shoot-em-up" computer game that simulates an invasion of Venezulela.
A scene from the original Mercenaries game, released last year
In production by Los Angeles-based Pandemic Studios, Mercenaries 2: World In Flames is based around the overthrow of an imaginary Venezuelan "tyrant".
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has long accused the US of planning to invade, something Washington denies.
His supporters say the game aims to drum up support for a real invasion.
'Realistic possibility'
Pandemic has insisted that the title - due to be released next year - is solely about entertainment.
"Pandemic has no ties to the US government," Greg Richardson, the firm's vice president of commercial operations, told the Associated Press.
(click here to view entire article)
That's not the reaction of "Venezuela", that's the reaction of one of Chávez's lackeys, Ismael García, whose main contribution to the "process" was his Spanish neologism (or barbarism) "indevolvible".
Posted by: Henry | July 10, 2006 at 04:28 PM
That' s disrespectful...we should invent one game about Bush...heheheheheheh
Posted by: ana | November 12, 2006 at 11:22 AM