Last week journalist Michael Fox attended a meeting where representatives from all of Venezuela's 100,000+ cooperatives gathered in Caracas to launch a new coordinating body for the country's cooperative movement.
Members of the CENCOOP Commission on Institutional Relations debate next steps. Credit: Silvia Leindecker
Venezuela’s Cooperatives Take First Steps Towards National Cooperative Movement
May 26, 2006
The weekend of May 19 to 20, cooperative members from across Venezuela celebrated the first meeting of the National Executive Cooperative Council (CENCOOP). The Cooperative Councils have the difficult task of attempting to articulate and integrate Venezuela’s thousands of cooperatives into a united cooperative movement.
The weekend meeting was held in Caracas at the Catia offices of the Frente Francisco Miranda and was attended by approximately 140 cooperative representatives from across Venezuela; Cooperative Superintendent (SUNACOOP), Carlos Molina; Minister of Popular Economy, Oly Millan; Technical Secretary of the Specialized Reunion of Cooperatives of MERCOSUR, Daniel Bentancur; Executive Director of the Americas office of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), Manuel Mariño; various SUNACOOP state facilitators and employees of the Ministry of Popular Economy.
(click here to view entire article)
By: Michael Fox -