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October 08, 2006



i am free! free ee ee ee!
I get to tell you that youre suicidal and that your 'revolution' is a sham, suckers!!
Aint it great to get your commie on and help all the chavistas get new hummers and really hot hookers while you get to make real neato paintings of Boosh getting it in the poopy!!
bet you wanna shut me up too, huh?
well, come on up to D-town honeybun and I'll show you what its like.
enjoy el gulago! viva la tyranny!!

suck it. you hate the people and you only love POWER! Grab it all!! Grab the POWER!!
YAY! POWER!!! Now we can buy subs and Su30's so teledyne can shoot them down while we party!! Yay! revolucion!!



Good morning. Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. Help me! I can not find sites on the: Mobile air conditioners. I found only this - line Conditioners. This page document from the waste resources. Retrieved august from ezinearticles. Thank you very much ;-). April from Laos.


Good morning. Liberals are very broadminded: they are always willing to give careful consideration to both sides of the same side.
I am from Honduras and too poorly know English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Razor scooter repair, he has not however seen the american state, horribly he there contains regions which involve out as wedge-shaped 1980s."

With love :-(, Taima.

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