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May 13, 2007


George C

I just wanted to say more power to the Bolivarian Revolution! These poor, victimized Venezualans need to get out from under Uncle Sam's boot once and for all. The Venezualan people deserve every policy that Chavez can dream up - a low-calorie nation where all classes live together in a Cuban-style socialist paradise. Consumer goods? Appliances? Food?! These are tools of the capitalist running dog - forgo them! Let your children's protruding belly display your allegience to the people's dictatorship! And the oil? Keep it! We'd just waste it driving the SUV to the mall anyway. Sell it to China, where they know how to put a gallon of oil to work - as a food additive!


I am a student, taking a course on global cultures. As part of a report on Venezuelan communication, I have to write about
1. The language of Venezuela (not too difficult to find)

2.Conduct research to identify any verbal and non-verbal taboos for your assigned country.

The second item is one I am having the problem with. Can you help me with this?

Thank you


Hey, who needs a free press anyway? They do without it in Cuba and look how well they're doing.



You guys need to experience on first hand, this so called revolution. Is quite easy to comment without living in Chavez Venezuela right now. Beef, chicken and meats in general, are not impossible to find, but you'll need to tour supermarkets. First time I see this on my 35 years living in this country. By the way, this is happening in a country that "says" sells 3.1 million barrels a day at an average of 58 dollars (cost of producing is around 4 dollars). Yet Rolls-Royce opened a branch in Caracas, and the Bolivarian revolution is all about the people. In the last decade Venezuela earned as much as 3 times more for oil exports that what it did in the last 30 years of Democracy. The soaring corruption is a book example.
Dear Red Pepper and Che Guevara's followers, for God sakes; put your feet ON the ground.
Cheers from a Venezuelan.
PD: I totally understand if you are being paid to do this blog, but, egg will come to your face :).


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