[Venezuelanalysis.com's Chris Carlson reports on the Venezuelan government's launch of their "Bolivarian Computers" earlier this month. The computers are produced in Venezuela with Chinese technology and will run the open-source Linux operating system. They will first be used
inside the government "missions" and state companies and institutions
but eventually are expected to be sold across Venezuela and Latin
America. --Ed]
The Bolivarian computer, model VIT C2660
Venezuela Launches Sale of "Bolivarian" Computers
By Chris Carlson - Venezuelanalysis.com
June 12, 2007
Mérida, June 12, 2007 (venezuelanalysis.com)— The Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chavez announced the launch of their "Bolivarian Computers" last week, consisting of four different models produced in Venezuela with Chinese technology. The new computers will run the open-source Linux operating system and will first be used inside the government "missions" and state companies and institutions but eventually are expected to be sold across Venezuela and Latin America.
Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez presented the new machines to the public last week at an event in the state of Falcon as he donated them to a school there. The new computers are produced by the joint venture VIT (Venezuela de Industria Tecnológica), which is owned by the Chinese company Lang Chao and the Venezuelan Ministry of Light Industry and Commerce.
"The price of other similar brands is US$ 930, and the price of our computer is almost 40% less," explained President Chavez. "But, in addition, it has an added value, given that it comes with open-source software and a three year guarantee, while other brands only offer one year."
(click here to view entire article)
What a beautiful idea. President Chavez is addressing all of his people in every aspect of life and trying his best to bring them into the 21st century. America is angry because he wouldn't play their game and bow low like every other country around the world.
I live in Hawaii and hope one day we finally secure our independence from the american aggressor, the same one who says he talked to god and was told to fly over to Iraq and kill thousands of women and children because "they attacked the world trade center". Somehow that reasoning alludes the common sense of everyone I talk to. Then he picks on Venezuela, a country simply moving forward in its effort to remain self sufficient and non-reliant on the US and cries "the sky is falling" because now it seems The Great President, Chavez, holds all the keys to the worlds wealth. Not only that, but Chavez works for his people. Sure there will be strife, but you cannot please everyone all the time, so get over it and work with this Great President, Chavez, believe me HE IS THE REAL LEADER OF THE WORLD.
Just another citizen of the world, and oh by the way I'm not a convinced socialist, but clearly see the merits of President Chavez's effort.
With the little Spanish I know: Muchas Gracias para el trabaho que El Presidente Chavez hace por su Estado.
Dale Albertson
Posted by: Dale Albertson | June 26, 2007 at 03:00 AM