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June 14, 2007



What does this have to do with the Venezuelan opposition? Youtube is a private company owned by Google. Are you now suggesting that the Venezuelan opposition controls Google? This is beyond paranoid.


Henry, no need to read between the lines, the title of the article is clear enough, "Youtube and Antena 3 TV censor Bolivarian videos", however, to think that Antena3TV which has hundreds of videos on youtube complained about a video in which the Venezuelan opposition was shown in bad light without any pressure from the Venezuelan opposition itself is ... at best naive


Naive is to see behind everything we don't like a conspiracy.

I happened to watch the "censored" program, not on youtube, but the actual screening. What I saw is that both Chávez's champions (the Spaniards Alegre Zahonero and Fernández Liria) just repeated the Venezuelan government's line; while Pérez Osuna and Troconis took the position of most rightwing opposers to the government. Marcel Granier and Iris Varela also participated by phone.

Sadly, neither side was able to limit themselves to the measure, but proceeded to attack one another as coupmongers. Both sides actually ARE coupmongers: Chávez, who led a coup, and Pérez Osuna et al., who welcomed the Carmonada.


LUIGINO BRACCI is a communist good 4 you tube!

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