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October 26, 2007


Melanie Rosas

Te quiero dar una opinion sobre la invasion en el Edificio Aragua que vi hoy por television a traves de la cadena SUR. Este hecho no es mas que una iniciativa chavista y es una de tantas que ese gobierno orquestara'. Es obvio que esa gente que "desalojaron" son contratados para activar el tema de la propiedad privada a partir de como gente sin vivienda e indigentes se ven en la posicion de invadir una propiedad, mientras que la propietaria tiene el edificio "vacio". Ademas, la mujer "embarazada" que salio hablando agresivamente y liderando a los demas como borregos tiene las caracteristicas violentistas de los chavistas que se imponen por la fuerza, tal y como lo mostraron los estudiantes chavistas en el pedagogico esta semana. Esta es una evidente tactica chavista que busca una justificacion para redistribuir los bienes individuales como bienes sociales. Es el mismo principio que se ha usado todo este tiempo en Cuba. Me da mucha tristeza ver el camino a la ruina que esta tomando un pais tan maravilloso y rico como Venezuela por culpa de un megalomano con las ideas rancias de justicia social dictadas por el socialismo cubano.




English, please?


In this context, "atraso" means "backwardness".

It is interesting how Chávez has gone from defining Cuba as a dictatorship, back in 1998, to the present when the ailing Castro is his putative father.

I guess that he would like to stay in power as long as Fidel, or longer, if possible.

I find it nauseating how people defend this hereditary dictatorship as "Socialist".

Melanie Rosas

I agree with Henry. It is unbelievable that in 2007 we still find people that side with the so obsolete ideology of socialism. It is really disgusting to see how some people have let Chavez brainwash them. I think it's already late to try to stop socialism in Venezuela. Chavez is already using his power to change the constitution, create idiotic laws, and in general, build the scenario for the perpetuation of his power. An example of that is what happened the other day in the neighborhood Calendaria at the La Aragua building. It's so obvious that all that is part of the tactics of the government to show people how come that woman, the owner of the property, can afford to live there while other people are homeless. Therefore, them invading a private property is justified. That is the propaganda that Chavez wants to sell to everybody, and unfortunately, the stupid supporters and followers of the dictator will believe it. I would suggest for Venezuelan citizens to go sell their property and leave the country until things change. A left wing dictator is already ruling people's will, space, etc. in Venezuela.

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