Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's former Defense Minister, Raul Isaias Baduel, who played a key role in defeating the opposition military coup against Chavez in 2002, came out against the president's proposed constitutional reforms this week saying they represent a "constitutional coup" and that people should vote against them in the referendum on December 2. Chavez accused Baduel of betraying his own ideals with his new hard-line opposition.]Former Venezuelan Defense Minister Baduel Denounces Constitutional Reform
Caracas, November 6, 2007 (venezuelanalysis.com) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's former Defense Minister, Raul Isaias Baduel, who played a key role in defeating the opposition military coup against Chavez in 2002, came out against the president's proposed constitutional reforms saying they represent a "constitutional coup" and that people should vote against them in the referendum on December 2. Chavez accused Baduel of betraying his own ideals with his new hard-line opposition.
Baduel, who called a press conference Monday, to which only opposition media were invited, argued that the proposed reform would "seize power away from the people," and constitutes a "total change in the content of the structure and fundamental principles of the constitution approved by the Venezuelan people in 99."
"This proposal is definitively not a constitutional reform; it is not a partial revision, nor a replacement of some of its norms. It is a transformation of the state, and a different model for the country," he continued.
"I feel the moral obligation to continue traveling the country to explain my opinion," Baduel commented, "I'm also considering an international campaign." Baduel also said he wouldn't rule out a future political career.
Baduel's statement occurred only a day after President Hugo Chavez had warned the Venezuelan people of the possibility that some high profile figures in the Bolivarian movement would "jump ship" and join the ranks of the opposition.
Chavez, who phoned into current affairs TV talk show, Contragolpe, said "Baduel is betraying years of friendship" and "himself" and that he was aligning himself with the opposition and imperialism. He also revealed that he had known of Baduel's announcement two days previously.