Monday, March 03, 2008 ( - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez labeled Colombia the "Israel of Latin America" on his Sunday talk show Aló Presidente yesterday. Responding to events on Saturday in which the Colombian military made an illegal attack across the border in Ecuadorian territory, the Venezuelan leader called Colombia a "terrorist state," and gave orders to mobilize troops on the Venezuelan-Colombian border.
"The Colombian government has turned into the Israel of Latin America," said Chavez during his show on Sunday.
"Colombia is a terrorist state that is subject to the great terrorist, the government of the United States and their apparatus," he explained.
The Venezuelan president spoke in response to an attack and killing on the part of the Colombian military of several FARC guerrillas, including top leader Raul Reyes, on Saturday morning. Chavez called the killing a "cowardly murder" and condemned the attack for having illegally crossed the Colombian border into Ecuador.
"They bombed from the north and the south of the border," he said. "In other words, they attacked inside Ecuadorian territory."
President Chavez spoke on the telephone with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa about the attack and the violation of Ecuador's sovereignty. According to Correa, who ordered an investigation of the events, the Colombian military attacked the guerrillas using precision bombs while they were sleeping inside Ecuadorian territory, killing at least 15 men and women, and leaving two female guerrillas injured. The Ecuadorian military said the bodies were still in their pajamas when they found them.
(click here to view entire article)
The pot calling the kettle black. What a hypocrit this moron is. chavez and his cronies are the hamas terrorists of South America. Hopefully, the good people of Venezuela will rid themselves of this imbecile and achieve the freedoms that they deserve.
Posted by: gb | March 04, 2008 at 09:48 PM
There does seem to be similarities. FARC as Hezbollah, Ecuador as Lebanon. Now comes allegations of dirty bomb aspirations. Where did I hear this before?
Posted by: Francisco | March 05, 2008 at 02:22 AM
How do Venezuelans feel about Chavez spending millions to move his entire Army to the boarder to defend 1 man?
The real reason for this escalation is to protect the FARC leader Marquez, who is more important to Chavez than any Venezuelan will ever be. Its time for the people of Venezuela to stand up to this man, he has done more to hurt you than anyone.
Posted by: Richard Hausig | March 05, 2008 at 06:41 PM
If Chavez calls Colombia the Israel of South America then that makes him the Sadam of Venezuela. An oppressive, loud mouth, uneducated despot that seems to be in conflict with just about everyone else in the world. If it's not the US, it's Spain, or Colombia, or the Oil industry, or his own people. He's not fighting for the best interests of Venezuela. He's fighting to further his own personal interest of totalitarian control over South American politics and society. Please please, please...Venezolanos...unanse y derroten a este demonio que ha plagado a nuestra patria.
Posted by: Fred | March 05, 2008 at 07:42 PM
CHAVEZ just got SLAPPED hard with all the information coming out of Colombia's raid. It shows that EVERY thing that has been said about him for the last decade is true. He's a HITLER in disguise, an anti-semite that would kill anyone or anything in his path to becoming more like his terrorist friend in Cuba. It is so good to see all the information coming out of Colombia. And my feeling is, if we had "death squads" coming acrossed the border from Mexico, killing civilians, kidnapping citizens and supporting the drug trade. I'd be for our troops crossing the border and whipping some ass! What this proves is CHAVES is a DRUG DEALER, A TERRORIST FINANCIER, A FACIST, A BIG MOUTHED LOUT. It wasn't even Venezuela that was violated! All this bluster by him to try to SHOUT DOWN all the information coming out about his DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS! What a dirt bag! GET RID OF HIM VENEZUELA!!!! YOU ARE THE JOKE OF SOUTH AMERICA TILL YOU DO!!!!
Posted by: Trip | March 05, 2008 at 11:41 PM
The propaganda wheels are spinning fast. Exxon wants their God given oil from under Venezuelan land, and if they have to lie to do it, so be it. But the time for the loud-mouthed minority of Bush luv'in Nascar fans is running out of gas. Americans are finally waking to the crap they've been force fed. FARC could get all the uranium they wanted from the spent U.S. shells left in Iraq.
Posted by: Go F yourself Mr. Cheney | March 06, 2008 at 02:17 AM
chavez is the next hitler of the world. thought the world had learned its lesson. and yes, the good people of the world will put him in the same place as the previous.
Posted by: F*** of chavez | March 07, 2008 at 02:42 AM
This Chavez is like a dog who knows how to bark but don't know how to bite!!!!!i wish that Chavez brain is the size of a grain, if it is size of a grain, he will understand the word peace....he mentioned that he want peace but he send troops to the border. This Chavez is a dumb and idiot person. He want to hide his dirty secrets with the Farc and he makes money from the drug business. This is one thing that i can say to Chavez...before you will solve the problem of your neighboring country, look first your own Venezuelan people problem and give food to the poor Venezuelan. To all Chavez Cronies... shame on you because you want popularity with a dumb Chavez and you hurt your own people. He cut the trade ties with colombia, Chavez don't use his brain if he has, which i doubt...he hurts his own Venezuelan people before Colombians. Venezuelan people, open your eyes and watch your President. I think he need to study and add some knowledge on his brain...
Posted by: Instinct | March 07, 2008 at 04:37 AM
F*** of Chavez!!! WELL SAID!!! F yourself Mr. Cheney! you my friend are an idiot that doesn't understand his butt from a hole in the ground.
Posted by: Trip | March 07, 2008 at 05:31 PM
Mr. Chavez is an extremely bright, courageous leader of a long subjugated people. We're behind you brother!!
Posted by: my pal | March 08, 2008 at 03:17 AM
My Pal....
My guess is you wouldn't know "subjugated" if it hit you squarely between the eyes..... You live in a US suburb someplace and feel like the freedoms you have just "appeared" out of thin air... Support of wolves in sheeps clothing have been the end to more societies that history can count. When it is found out that you support terrorist, have given them money and resources, you have dealt with them in secret (hostage release negotiations)to increase your fame, you get caught doing it and then shout "WAR" at the top of your lungs to "shout down" the evidence against you.... ALL IN THE NAME OF HELPING THE POOR PEOPLE. You live in a mansion, you drive Mercedes, you eat steak, you take over companies that have invested in your country in the name of the POOR PEOPLE and then turn around and give 300 million to FARC. It's all there in black and white "my pal".... Pull your head out of your suburban butt for a moment and smell the roses....
Posted by: PUNKSnotDEAD | March 14, 2008 at 11:45 PM
my pal - you stupid my friend. Chavez is braggart nad loud mouth who helps self. He embarasses our country.
Posted by: CHAVEZ sucks | March 15, 2008 at 12:21 AM
Well, lets not exagerate, even if Colombia didn't repesct her naibour and cross the border and killed some sleepy people, we can't name it as Israel of Latin America. the colombian army killed millitary troup any way, and the definition of terrorism stand by killing cevilians.
Posted by: Pkhetan | March 15, 2008 at 03:59 PM
Chavez is a mulato. An ignorante.
Why he is so quiet lately?
Where is his dirty mouth? It is because the International Criminal Court is after him?
Buying weapons from Russia and Brazil,while its people do not have food and no jobs, and giving away 300 million dollars to the FARC?
Poor Venezuelan's children are bare foot on the streets salen small items and food to the public, while prostitution is the only optional job for non-educated women.
On the other hand, frustrated elder people beg for the end of their days; simply they do not want see the real end of their lives and family as well.
If you been in Caracas, have you see La Charneca ? Please visite it. A nice tipical Venezuelan neighborhood.
Posted by: Kirk Nelson | March 22, 2008 at 11:34 PM
Posted by: PUNKSnotDEAD | May 01, 2008 at 10:20 PM
Posted by: CHAVEZis aCROOK | August 02, 2008 at 06:54 AM
President Hugo Chavez is also responsible for countless human rights violations. He is currently holding many political prisoners, all of whom were imprisoned by the Venezuelan government on trumped-up charges in cases with manifest due process violations.
If you are interested in this issue you should check out
Posted by: Ian Potent | August 06, 2008 at 09:06 PM
I am an American living and working in Medellin Colombia. Although I agree with the vast majority of the posters here, I think the comparison between Colombia and Israel is a good one. Colombia, like Israel, represents a stable democratic nation surrounded by statist and semi-totalitarian governments who, were it not for vast natural resources, would be as poor as the countries in Africa.
Posted by: Medellin Colombia | October 26, 2009 at 02:54 PM
Chavez Dam MotheFuck...
Posted by: Irotama | May 13, 2010 at 04:06 PM