[Venezuelanalysis.com's Kiraz Janicke reports on the March 17 meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of American States
(OAS), where they rejected Colombia's military incursion into Ecuador
on March 1 which killed 25 people, including Raul Reyes, second in command of
the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).]
OAS Rejects Colombia’s Military Incursion into Ecuador
March 18th 2008, by Kiraz Janicke Venezuelanalysis.com
Caracas, March 18, 2008 (venezuelanalysis.com) - After fourteen hours
of tense debate, the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Organization
of American States (OAS) approved, early this morning in Washington, a
resolution ratifying the declaration of the Rio Group Summit of March
7, which rejected Colombia's military incursion into Ecuador on March
1. The incursion had killed 25 people, including Raul Reyes, second in
command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
The resolution was approved unanimously by all 34 member countries,
except for the United States, which expressed "reservations" about
point four, which "rejects the incursion of military and police forces
of Colombia in the territory of Ecuador," considering it a "clear
violation" of articles 19 and 21 of the OAS Charter."
U.S. Undersecretary of State John Negraponte said the U.S "supported"
the resolution in general in order to "build trust between Colombian
and Ecuador," but argued that Colombia's military incursion was
"justifiable" on the basis of "legitimate defense."
(click here to view entire article)
very good. thanks.
I love it !
I like it !
Posted by: bath mate | December 18, 2009 at 06:29 PM