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March 30, 2008



this friggin sucks

Angel falls

I appreciate that these kind of events happen. Venezuela got a lot of bad press lately

Haidee Diaz

To everyone:

The NO vote of December 2nd, 2007 means that when a constitutional reform initiative is rejected in a referendum, it can not be presented again to the National Assembly during the same constitutional period.

That is, Hugo Chavez can NOT use a collection of signatures to present again part or the whole of the proposal we just rejected on December the 2nd of 2007 and chavists will have to wait for the next presidential period, with Chavez out of Miraflores.

(Artículo 345 de la Constitución: La iniciativa de reforma constitucional que no sea aprobada, no podrá presentarse de nuevo en un mismo período constitucional a la Asamblea Nacional…)

...> Meaning: Hugo Chavez is playing with us all and under the very nose of International Organizations and Mediators. Won't blame Venezuelan people if we decide to take action to correct this, because obviously internationally speaking we will be seen as the baddies. Don't play Chavez' games.
For discusion... if Venezuela is a very very rich country, why the poverty?, why the take over crucial press and free-voice media organizations? why the menace over oposition leaders? why the corruption (more than ever before)? why the main robbers are the authorities? why CADIVI is in debt with the banks? why the public officers are now simply useless?...

Nick Matyas

Happy new year2010. this is outstanding blog for comment. awesome writing. Thanks a lot


mbt online

well this blog is great i love reading your articles.


I agree completely..


Thats an all around incredibly written blog post!!

find a job fast

You'r precisely correct on this blog post...

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