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April 05, 2008



Well look at what we got here. Another sophmoric article posted by a "bribed" bed fellow fo the mad midget chaves. WOW, will the distort, distract, deny and deflect routine never cease from this place? Typical venezuala government propoganda! "Lie, cheat, murder and steal", the mad midget chaves motto!

Central America

On our trip to Monte Verde, we all took a“ Jeep- Boat- Jeep” tour to the location. In this journey, we were able to see the vast, hilly countryside of Costa Rica with all tropical places adorning the remoteness. It was serene, and very relaxing. Upon our arrival across the lake. We took jeeps on a pretty treacherous incline on gravel roads. However, it was all part of the adventure. When arriving, we were able to see a place that looked like the Zakopane mountains in Poland with a much more misty atmosphere. ...

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